Level 25: From Mario Kart 64 to Mario Kart 8

This week has been awesome, only good news to tell this week! Although things seemed really dire this time last week it seems like all turned around this week, I spent all of last week trying to complete the model of the hillux so that It was actually complete and again I felt like all hope was lost because I was scared of the unwrapping side of finishing off the model. Turns out I was super lucky as I finished the model on the Monday, started on the unwrapping and  I finished that on the Thursday. This gave me the day to complete the texturing and let me tell you that day was so successful, I sat down and got on with that work with a little help from youtube watching markiplier, which kept me from getting distracted by other things. I completed it on the Thursday evening and let me tell you the stress was lifted off my shoulders and I felt so much better for it!

Although I found that my truck was not as good as many of the other people’s ones on the course but in the end I was super proud of myself, i finished all of the work before the hand in and that made me felt so good. It made me feel so much better about what happened with my character and I felt redeemed for all of the stress i put myself through this term!

Now it’s time for Easter, so i will be returning in a few weeks turn my normal Toyota Hillux into a hardcore zombie defence vehicle. Although everything may seem easy by having a few weeks off it won’t! I will be writing an evaluative report of my year and creating a plan to combat a zombie apocalypse and turning it into a presentation. In the meantime check out my final truck! (well as final as it can be for now!)

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