Level 29: Back from the dead

What’s up everybody I have returned from my lovely break in Wales and returned to Leicester. Some excellent stuff first off I completed my essay over the Easter holidays meaning I was free to work on my truck and just my truck!
It’s time for things to turn gruesome, my return begins the second half of the pick up truck project, the zombification! SO this week started out being anxiety enduing with my presentation being on the Monday in the afternoon but there was nothing to be worried about it went rather well gaining a few laughs from my fellow students and unfortunately disappointing for one of the tutors who expected me to bust in with full zombie apocalypse make-up and costuming. (sorry!!) This week meant the start of my concepting for the zombie version of the truck. Me being absolute idiot, no change there, I realise that I should have used my time off to do a little be of concepting so I could get on with the 3D asap but I didn’t so this week was a little bit of a panic to get some concepts down. So I put my head down and concentrated on getting some interesting concepts down. It does seem obvious that I need to improve my phototbashing abilities as I can often find it time consuming and boring, I think this is due to me not being experienced in it rather than me genuinely thinking of it as a boring thing to do. I was able to finish some concepts although there were not as many as I had hoped for I am still rather happy with what I have produced.

This week on in my life drawing we don’t have a life model so it was all about using each other and a cardboard tube to draw some dynamic poses, which was some good fun!

pickup ideas

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